GRF Support

The Generic Recording Format (GRF) provides a simple, unified, network-oriented way to handle digital waveform data from a variety of digital seismic instruments.  The idea is to use a standards-based networking approach to moving the data from place to place and provide a collection of simple, platform, and device independent tools that allow the user to build the network that fits their particular needs.

A brief overview of the GRF in PDF format is available here: GRFDecription.pdf (136kb)
Get Acrobat ReaderMost of our documentation is distributed in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF) version 4.  The free Adobe Acrobat® Reader® software, or its equivalent, should be used to view and/or print these documents.

GRF release 1.2

Here is the GRF specification document, assigned numbers list, and sample waveform data.

  • GRF Version 1.2.0 – 2003-05-05
  • The GRF 1.2.0 format reference manual: GRF.pdf (286kb PDF).  This is the document that defines the GRF.
  • The current GRF Assigned Numbers master list: grf_assigned_numbers.txt (5kb).  If you need GRF numbers assigned to you, please send us your request along with a brief description of your application and we will be happy to update this list.
  • 20 minutes of three-channel, 100 sps data in four contiguous, five-minute long, GRF packet image files (.grf files) in a compressed zip archive: (597kb).

The GRF Tools Suite is the open reference implementation of the GRF.  The GRF Tools Suite is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
